

League Matches Suspended on Sunday 8th November

Posted by East Lothian Clubs Winter League on Nov 05 2020 at 03:22AM PST in 1993-94

The League’s Competitions Committee has taken the decision to suspend matches scheduled for this Sunday 8th November. The matches affected are North Berwick vs Glen and Gifford vs Musselburgh.

The move follows the Scottish Government’s decision to place East Lothian in “Level 3” on Monday, the restrictions for which include a limit of 5 miles on the distance people are permitted to travel for exercise.

The Committee also considered the restriction on travel into / out of a Level 3 area to be an impediment, with many teams regularly fielding players who live in Edinburgh (also in Level 3).

With the Scottish Govt due to review the allocation of each LA area next week, the Committee will advise whether future matches need to be suspended, after that government decision is announced.

The advice from Scottish Golf can be read on this link:


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